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The Art of "Letting Go"

Writer's picture: Stephanie JordanStephanie Jordan
“Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.” ~ Daphne Rose Kingma

by S.L. Jordan

If you read that title and clicked because you thought I would be dropping some gems on "letting go with grace".

Gotcha. Cause this aint that.

This IS about letting go, and how hard that can be. So, yeah - know you are NOT alone in it that hmmkay?

One thing about me is, I am a collector. I realized last year, that also extends to people. I literally have a friend from every stage of my life. I have hella group chats. It's especially hard for me to let people go - my empathy for the human experience be playing in my face sometimes.

I remember sitting on my friend's patio last summer and telling them how I wanted to adopt an "Open Palm Philosophy" in my life. That I stop gripping things/people/notions/ideas so tightly that they can't be replaced with better things. [Better meaning more beneficial to where am I going in life]. An "Open Palm" represented the ease in which I let things go and come to me.

It was all very poetic and insightful - the way I can be, but putting action to words is no small feat. I spent the rest of that year doing the exact opposite. I ignored every sensation my body was telling me, and my intuition be ON IT TOO - because sometimes I overthink and what if I'm wrong and in doing so, I betrayed myself. Listen, one of the toughest pills I've ever had to swallow was KNOWING I KNEW BETTER BUT DIDN'T DO BETTER.

Tuh. But I'm human though so not too much on me.

I'm so eternally grateful for yoga and the work #BeyondTheMa'at because even in NOT doing better when I should have, the lessons I learned about ME are invaluable. I aint limp away empty handed now. I'm also grateful for how God continues to cover ya girl, cause he already know that he gotta come snatch some stuff from my grasp MOST of the time.

At the end of December, I participated in the BIG Let Go. It was a restorative yoga class that included some meditative journaling for releasing 2023 before entering the new year. I am all too familiar with the benefits of journaling, but I have never taken a yoga class that included it. Journaling has always been super private to me because sometimes the things it brings up aint really for public consumption - like, my reaction to it. My girl Rae was co-facilitating, and I went to support. It ended up being exactly what I needed. At the end, we were invited to write down some things we wanted to leave in 2023 and offer them up to the fire. Left behind.

What I wrote down presented triggers/feelings/narratives I have or have been telling myself about ME, but those things were through the lens of everyone but ME.

17 days into the New Year, and God has already started the process of removing what doesn't serve me. He's already highlighted the things I chose to ignore, and I am GUTTED over here. But, still appreciative. Still practicing letting go gracefully, even if its ugly sometimes and I mess up.

Now, here's to me sitting on these hands and NOT trying to find ways to snatch it back from God.

Meet Me on the Ma'at

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